Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) project: Making a contribution to the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo/UNSC 1244, Montenegro, Serbia, Sierra Leone and Sudan

Project Duration: April 2006 - April 2008

Donors: Government of the Netherlands

The objective of the TRQN project was to contribute to the national post-war reconstruction and development plans of the selected countries (Afghanistan, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia & Montenegro including the Kosovo/UNSC 1244 Province in line with the integrated approach of the Dutch Government towards migration and development with an overall budget EUR 2.2 million.

Demand-driven and based on the needs for qualified human resources in sectors identified by national authorities of the target countries, the project aimed to contribute to re-establishing basic public services in post-war countries through temporary skills transfers. The IOM implemented this project from April 2006 to April 2008, through temporarily placing in country of origin higher educated persons who originated from that country but lived in the Netherlands. Based on the specific needs in the countries of origin, members of the Diaspora carried out assignments once or participated in repeated visits. On average, the assignments lasted between several weeks and 6 months. IOM offered logistic and financial support to the professionals who were temporarily assigned. IOM implemented the project in close cooperation with local partners in the countries of origin and with Diaspora groups in the Netherlands. IOM Belgrade targeted twenty candidates from the Netherlands who participated in the Project. Seventeen of them have been temporary employed while three of them declined from the Project due to the personal reasons.

Project Status: Completed