Improving Information Management and Planning Capacities of Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration

Project Duration: 01 September 2019 – 28 February 2020

Project Partners: Commissariat for Refugees and Migration (SCRM)

Donors: Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

Introduction: Once migration crisis response measures by the Government of Serbia were established in 2017, further support was needed to strengthen the capacity of the SCRM, mandated to manage migration in the Republic of Serbia, both at the central and the local level. This includes development of a system and capacities for improving data collection and exchange which are essential for effective planning and migration management, specifically in relation to assessment of beneficiaries’ needs, reception and service provision in reception and asylum centers. Up to date, several tools have been developed and integrated into a comprehensive SCRM Information Management Software (SCRM IMS), intended to be used in the everyday work in all central and field locations.

Overall project objective: The overall objective of the project is to contribute in improving access to SCRM services through strengthening the monitoring, coordination and planning capacity of SCRM, both at the central and the local level through the enhanced information management system.

Specific objectives:

  • Ensure the continuation of the activities of the SCRM system for monitoring, coordination and planning, both at the central and the local level;
  • Provide further upgrade and adjustments of the Software for Management and Reporting (SMART) for regular monitoring and planning of the needs in the asylum and reception centers;
  • Prepare the integration with the Beneficiaries’ Database within the SCRM software;
  • Ensure technical support to SCRM for the procurement processes needed, with the specific focus on food procurement and distribution.

Planned activities in Serbia:

  • Engage Software Development Expert
  • Collect feedback on the usage of SMART from SCRM field staff
  • Test and troubleshoot of the SMART
  • Develop of SRS document for further SMART software development
  • Program the upgrades on the SMART software
  • Update the Handbook on how to use SMART for SCRM field staff
  • Analyse and compile the Beneficiaries’ Database code and its integration possibilities and prepare a needs assessment document
  • Develop System Requirements Specification (SRS) document for integration of Beneficiaries’ Database into SCRM IMS
  • Organize a preparatory training on the use of enhanced SCRM IMS
  • Engage Procurement Officer to adapt procedures and prepare procurement templates
  • Propose necessary procurement-related processes, templates, tender documentation etc. integrating feedback form consultations with the food consortium and other NGOs with the food distribution experience
  • Develop Standard Operational Procedures and Monitoring and Reporting mechanisms for food distribution

Project Status: Completed

Project Area: Other